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Somewhere, there is a line that separates a vacation from an expedition...


2001 was the year of rediscovery of Lucy's Cave, one of the Lens caves on Sweetings Cay. Nitrox was first used by the team during the Lucy's push in the summer of 2001. Also for the first time, portable compressors were used in the pine forest, reducing the amount of tank hauling during the two week period.


The August 2002 expedition continued much of the work started in 2001. A recent brush fire made the trails to the Lens caves somewhat more accessible. The use of the A-frame at the mouth of Sweeting's Creek made day-to-day living significantly easier than previous expeditions. Many thanks to Clarence & Cathy Bellot for making "Twin Gables" available.


Once again, the "Twin Gables" A-frame at the mouth of the inlet at Sweetings Cay was used by the team for the June 2003 expedition.


As with last year, "Twin Gables" was used as a base by the team for the July 2004 expedition.

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